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   Herbal Medicine & Beauty Specialist in West London

We are Herbal China, a herbal clinic located on King Street, Hammersmith; Specialising in Acupuncture and Qigong Energy treatments ,Tuina(Therapeutic massage) Herbal remedy and  providing Qi Gong classes. 


Find out more about our Qigong Breathing Exercises  in london .

Why Choose Herbal China?

At Herbal China, you will not only be treated by our fully qualified, experienced specialists, but also assisted to maintain your optimal health by applying Qigong breathing exercise following the natural treatment you receive from our specialists.


Our lead practitioner, Lianting Zhao, is an expert in the field of Chinese herbal medicine and Chinese medical Qigong, famous for contributing his expertise to medical Qigong textbooks which used for TCM Universities and colleges in China.


Recovery & Healing Process

Lifestyle changes and self-care process


Herbal China emphasises the patient’s role in the recovery process by recommending that they also follow a regime of medical Qigong training, life style change etc.


Many chronic illness and imbalance of body require lifestyle modifications on top of the treatment ; therefore we would make a tailored recommendations of the food you eat, dietary order, Qigong and breathing exercise as part of the treatment. We want to provide you a long lasting treatment.


Our aim is to enable the patient to be actively involved in the healing process, healing from within rather than receiving temporary treatments for symptoms, we aim for results and the patient is just as important as the practitioner in that sense. 


Targeting the cause, not just the symptoms

Restore your balance in health  


We believe in alleviating the underlying issue that gives a body disease and advising a patient further on how to maintain overall health. Working on an underlying issue from the cause, not just at the mere symptoms.


We provide herbal treatments to strengthen the inner you, acupuncture to help your energy flow freely, and detailed consultations to find the best possible treatment for your ailments. 


We cover a range of healing treatments in our West London herbal clinic, from acupuncture treatments, herbal remedies to reflexology healing and Chinese massage therapy in Hammersmith, Get in touch today to find out more.

CoronaVirus Guidelines

Following Covid-19 we're now back open again, so you don't have to miss out on your acupuncture or herbal treatments anymore. 


We have taken precautions to ensure that both our patients and pratitioners stay safe throughout the ease of this lockdown period. We now can do consultations via zoom, for those wishing to social distance, with Qi Gong classes also soon to be available remotely.


We kindly ask any individuals who have or have recently suffered from any symptoms of Corona virus (high fever, shortness of breath, persistent cough) in the last 14 days to please delay booking until a later time. See the following  NHS government guidelines if you feel you need more information. 


We now have hand sanitiser available for use once you walk into the clinic, with our practioners ensuring they wear face coverings when dealing with patients.



For new patients, upon arrival:​


  • Ring the bell and allow for us to let you in

  • Use the hand sanitiser provided

  • Temperature will be taken on arrival

  • Try not to bring anyone else unless absolutely necessary


Stay at home for 14 days, if:


  • You have a temperature

  • You have recently developed a dry cough

  • It is advised to self-isolate if you are to have experienced any of these symptoms.


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156A,King Street,Hammersmith,W6 0QU

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