Qi Manipulation
The ancient Chinese described qi as "life force". They believed it permeated everything and linked their surroundings together. Qi was also linked to the flow of energy around and through the body, forming a cohesive functioning unit. By understanding the rhythm and flow of qi, they believed they could guide exercises and treatments to provide stability and longevity.
In traditional Chinese medicine, symptom of various illnesses are believed to be either the product of disrupted, blocked, and unbalanced qi movement through meridians or deficiencies and imbalances of qi . Traditional Chinese medicine often seeks to relieve these imbalances by adjusting the circulation of qi using a variety of techniques including herbology, food therapy, (Qigong, t'ai chi ch'uan, and other martial arts training ,moxibustion, tui na, or acupuncture.
The nomenclature of Qi in the human body is different depending on its sources, roles, and locations.For sources there is a difference between so-called "Primordial Qi" (acquired at birth from one's parents) and Qi acquired throughout one's life.
Or again Chinese medicine differentiates between Qi acquired from the air we breathe (so called "Clean Air") and Qi acquired from food and drinks (so-called "Grain Qi"). Looking at roles Qi is divided into "Defensive Qi" and "Nutritive Qi".[23] Defensive Qi's role is to defend the body against invasions while Nutritive Qi's role is to provide sustenance for the body. Lastly, looking at locations, Qi is also named after the Zang-Fu organ or the Meridian in which it resides:[23] "Liver Qi", "Spleen Qi", etc.
In Herbal china we provide Qi manipalation through Qigong practise and /or our practitioners' hand manipulation .